The Podcast that from top to bottom covers the manga/anime series Dragon Ball Z!
The Next Dimension: A Dragon Ball Z Podcast Episode #28


In this episode the guys cover the video game-like nature of Babadi's stronghold, and one host laments the time it takes to get to each fight. Then, the tournament finally resumes after the majority of the fighters abandoned it, with a battle royale! See neighbor vs. neighbor when Android #18 unwittingly goes toe-to-toe-to-toe with Goten and Trunks! Before that however, Don and Jesse discuss the Dragon Ball Minus one-shot that reveals Goku's mother Gine! Has Toriyama retconned canon beyond the point of no return? Download to find out!

Direct download: episode28.mp3
Category:next dimension -- posted at: 10:54pm CST

Moon Prism Podcast: A Sailor Moon Show Episode #28

Back for the month of April, Jesse and Don cover "Fractious Friends"! The Sailor Scouts hatch a plan to save Tuxedo Mask from the clutches of Queen Beryl, involving faking a public break-up! But how fake can it really be when Serena and Raye are always at odds? The guys go over the character development of the team, the wonky Nijana reporter demon, and more flubs with the DIC English Dub! Put aside your differences with your mp3 player and get to downloading!

Direct download: MoonPrismPodcastAFSpecial.mp3
Category:Moon Prism Podcast -- posted at: 11:00pm CST