Wed, 12 December 2012
Back again to cover the DBZ movies, Don and Jesse have a lot to say about the villians, plots, recurring themes and overall quality of The Tree of Might, Lord Slug and Cooler's Revenge! Throughout the episode, the guys diliberate, discuss and disagree on several key topics such as Gohan's new pet dragon, which of the three movies is the best and the worst, where if at all do the movies fit into continuity, and which versions of the various dubs do the material justice! How will Donovan react to seeing the 4th DBZ movie for the first time? How much does Jesse dislike the rock music used in the Funimation dubs? How many minutes are wasted in needless padding? You can't get any better with this episode's wacky topics, so get to downloading and fast!
Sat, 1 December 2012
IT ALL ENDS HERE! After 9 months of coverage, Don and Jesse finally finish off the Namek/Freeza Saga as well as their first year of The Next Dimension! To say this episode has it all would be an understatement, but among the many topics discussed are the end of the Goku/Freeza battle, the rumored end of the series, more nauseating Bulma hi-jinks, the resurrection of the earthbound Z-Fighters, and what's on the horizon in the next story arc to come. PLUS: Donovan and Jesse's thoughts on Dragon Ball: Evolution, the news of DBZ Kai returning to finish the series, the controversy of Kenji Yamamoto, preliminary thoughts on the upcoming movie "Battle of the Gods", and much more? Christmas comes early this year with this first of two December episodes, so get to downloading!