The Podcast that from top to bottom covers the manga/anime series Dragon Ball Z!
The Next Dimension: A Dragon Ball Z Podcast Episode #4

The boys are back to tackle the finale to the Saiyan Saga, and what a finale it is! From the iconic Goku/Vegeta fight to the battle of the Great Apes, Donovan and Jesse finish it off with discussions on the backgrounds of both the Ocean Dub and the Funimation dub, the awesomeness of Vegeta, and the ending which divides the hosts. Also in this episode are comparisons to Transformers, SAIYAN SCIENCE, and a special surprise at the end of the review! The Saiyan Saga may be at an end, but the real fight and the podcast's coverage of it has only just begun...

Direct download: episode4.mp3
Category:next dimension -- posted at: 10:33am CST

  • to ultimatea0power( saaiyn of legend), Vegetaa0looked down upon lower class saaiyn warriors such as Goku, even though the low-class may have great strength potential to become as great or greater than

    posted by: Agus on 2013-07-26 16:32:41

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